Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bengali as a nation inherits the legacy of an eternal and colorful past and tradition.
The forest cover ,flora,fauna and a smoothing natural environments mingled with our 
tradition.In the South-east of the country there lies the beautiful natural hill forests
the, Salban in the middle and the Mangrove forests in the South-west.The total area
of Bangladesh is 1,47,570 sq km.The total area of Sal forest is 1,20,000 hectares
which is 0.83% of our country's area and 7.9%of forest land managed by Forest
Department.Sundarban is 4.09% of the total area of Bangladesh and 40% of the
forest land.In a word total Bangladesh covers 15% area of forestry and that is
possible for tree speices.Shortly this type of tree is called agroforestry tree spieces.

              Agroforestry is a land use system that involves socially and ecologically
acceptable integration of trees with agricultural crops and animals.

   Agroforestry Trees Are:Sundori,Sal ,Segun,Mahagony,Garjon,Gamar,Amloki,
Haritoki,Bohera,Akashmoni etc.
But in our BSMRAU Campus the available agroforestry tree speices are Mahagony
neem,nishinda,ulotkombol amloki,haritoki,bohera,akashmoni ,eucalyptus ,debdaru
and so on.
Now i am discussing about some agroforestry tree spieces in BSMRAU campus.

This is Albida.This is used as a medicinal plant spieces.

Mahagony is the common name.The scientific name is swietenia macrophylla.
Family is Meliaceae.This is an exotic from Hondurous.
Mahagony is a tall evergreen to semi-deciduous tree.
It is now extensively planted in homesteads along the highways and railways throught
the country.In our campus mahagony tree spieces is so much available.Though it is a
tall tree so it has a strong bark.The bark is greyish brown,rough and flakes off in small
patches.The leaves are peripinnate.Flowers are short and with axillary panicles.Fruits
and seeds are brown in color.The main use of the tree is wood collection.Wood is
hard,used for furniture making and construction works.

Akashmoni Tree

AKASHMONI:The local name is akashmoni.
The scientific name is Acacia auriculiformis.
      Family name is Leguminosae.
It is an evergreen tree which is heavily branched with a short bole.The root of this tree
are shallow and spreading.The bark is grey or brown,more or less smooth in young
trees becoming rough and longitudinal fissured with age.Phyllode is the place where thee
leaves are taken,which consists of the leaf stalk modified into a flattened blade.
Inflorescences are in spike upto 8cm long in pairs in the upper axils.Inflorescences are
comprised with tinny bright flowers.Flowers are creamy yellow and sessile.The flowers
of akashmoni is locally called Sonajhuri.In our campus akashmoni trees are in near BS
faculty and in agroforestry field.Akashmoni tree has importance which can fix nitrogen
with arange Rhizobium.It also has association with ecto and endo mycorhizal fungi.
The main uses of akashmoni tree is wood,firewood,tannin etc.Heartwood are used
for making attractive furniture and suitable for construction work.Tannin from bark is
used in leather industry.Its rapid early growth,on fertile sites and tolerance of both
highly acidic and alkaline soils make it popular for stabilizing and re-vegetation.

Mangium tree

MANGIUM:The local name is mangium.The scientific name is Acacic mangium.
     Family name is Leguminosae.
In Bangladesh it is an exotic.It is native to Australia and Indonesia.It is a tall ,fast grow
ing evergreen tree.The bark is pale brown,longitudinally fissured.Leaves are compound
with many leaflets.The phyllode has four permanent veins arising at the tip.Flowers are
creamy white in a loose spike.Fruits are pod,initially straight and blackish brown in
color.Seeds are bright orange in color.Ribbon like funicle attached each of the seed.
Mangium tree is used in different purpose;leaves have been found suitable as forage for
livestock.Woods are suitable for fuel wood,furniture,cabinet making,particleboard,

In agroforestry Amloki,bohera,haritoki is called Triphala.They have medicinal value.
Now i am discussing about trifola(amloki,haritaki,bohera).

Amloki tree
AMLOKI:The common is amloki.English name is Aonla.Scientific name is
Phyllanthus emblica.
The Family is Euphorbiaceae.
Amloki tree is found growing in the plains and sub-mountain on tracts all over the Indian
subcontinent.In Indian sub-continent this is called amla.Amla tree is commonly plnted
in compounds of domestic and office buildings,roadside etc.
Amloki is a medium sized deciduous tree.Bark is grey in color.Leaves are feathery,
smell like lemon.Flowers are greenish yellow color.Fruits are globose with six vertical
furrows,the color of the fruits are pale yellow.
Amloki has a great advancement in our country.Amloki is the richest source of natural
Vitamin C and gets assimilated in the human system easily.Dried amla is used for various ailments
like fever,liver disorder,indigestion,anemia and urinary problem.Raw amla fruits are
also used for making pickle and preserves.
It is also used in making quality inks.ordinary dyes,hair dyes,shampoos etc.
Amla woods are also used.It makes excellent charcoal and is also used as firewood
and making small agricultural implements.
In our campus there are large amount of amloki tree,that is called Amloki Bagan.

Haritaki is a medicinal plant

The common name is haritaki.In India it is called harara.
The scientific name is Terminalia chebula.
The Family is Combretaceae.
Haritaki is indigenous to India.The trees occur throught dry deciduous and sometimes
moist deciduous forests.It is a medium sized tree.In our campus it is available in near
amloki bagan.
It is an important constituent of triphala.Fruits are rich source of tannin and fruit extract
is largely used for internal treatment of locomotive feed-waters.Fruits are used in medicines
as laxative,stomachic and tonic.It increases digestion,taste and helps in improving the

Bohera :Normally used as a medicinal plant

BOHERA:Locally it is called bohera.
The scientific name is Terminalia bellerica.
    Family is Combretaceae.
Naturally it occupies the deciduous forests of the country.It is rarely seen semi-evergreen
forests.Tree is seen in Burma,India,Nepal and so on.
It is a large type plant.Bohera is propagated through seeds.Germination percentage is
uo to 80%.
The use of the tree is wide.The tree is a good source of gum.The kernal of the nut
is said to intoxicate human beings.The dried fruit is having an irregular shape.It is a good
astringent.Dried fruits are used in dry prolonged coughs,dropsy,diarrhoea and leprosy.
Fruits are reported to have antibiotic activity against a wide variety of microorganisms.
It is used to extract a yellow dye from the seed coat.Fruits are used for dyeing and
tanning.Kernels yield oil,which is reported for preparing soaps.In our BSMRAU campus
in agroforestry field and in near BS faculty.

Neem:medicinal plant
NEEM:Common name is neem or nimmi.
Botanical name is Azadirachta indica.
     Family name is Meliaceae.
Neem is a medium large tree having short,straight bole and dense rounded crown.It
is tolerant to most soil types including dry,stony,shallow soils,highly leached sands and
clays.Neem is native in our country and Indian sub-continent.
Bark is dark brown to gray.Fruits are green drupes which turn golden yellow on ripen
ing in the month of June-August.
Neem has a great medicinal value.Leaves are used as fodder and green manure.Flowers
are good source of nectar for bees.The bark yields tannin and gum.Gum is used as a
building material and in making furniture and farm implements.Neem is becoming increasingly
popular for its insect repellant traits and unique property of inhibiting the nitrification
the nitrification process in the soil.
The most active,currently identified ingredient of neem is azadirachtin.It finds application
in neem -based pesticide formulations which are safe,natural,bio-degredable,manage-
able at the farmer's level and environment friendly.

DEBDARU:The common is debdaru.The another name is mast tree.
The botanical name is Polyathia longifolia.
     Family is Annonaceae.
Debdaru is deciduous tree.
It is a large or medium type tree.It is used as a ornamental tree. Normally it is seen in
two sides of road.In our campus debdaru tree is more available and it is enhance beautigication.

Arjun:a medicinal plant
ARJUN:The common name is arjun.Scientific name is Terminalia arjuna.
       Family name is Combretaceae
The tree of arjun is large,evergreen with a spreading crown.In arjun plant bark is the
main portion.Bark is simple,grey and smooth on external surface.The bark is thick,soft
and red color from inside.Leaves are like that guava-leaves.Flowers are white or yellowish.
Fruits are drupe.These are glabrous with five to seven wings,woody and fibrous.Ripe
fruits are collected in March either by looping the branches or from the ground.The seeds
are viable for at least one year when stored in sealed tins.
The main usable portion of arjun  is bark.It is cardio-protective,cardiac tonic and cardiac
It is also planted for shade and for ornamental purpose.Leaves are rich in Calcium.

GLIRICIDIA:The local name is gliricidia.
The botanical name is Gliricidia sepium.
    Family is Legumino
Gliricidia is a small to medium sized tree attaining heights of 2 to 15 meters.It is native
of Tropical America but now planted in our country.It grows well in many types of soil
like sandy,stony and heavy clay.It will tolerant acid soils but not severe acidity nor high
aluminium saturation.
Bark is soft,grayish-brown to whitish.Leaves are pinnately compound,alternate in
arrangement.Flowers are pink to light pink in color.Fruits are pod type.Seeds collection
is recommended prior to pods opening.Seed is yellow to brown in color.
Gliricidia leaves are used as fodder.Though it is a medium plant so it's woods are not
so much perfect as any type of furniture,used as agricultural implement.

CONCLUSION:These are very small amount of tree spieces which i discuss.But our
campus is rich in different tree spieces.These trees are environmentally and economically
important.So as an agriculturist we should planted a lot of agroforestry tree to save our
environment.This is all about my blog.

                                          THANKS ALL

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